
Find the right databases to locate Australian, international and industry standards.

Standards Australia defines standards as "published documents that set out specifications and procedures designed to ensure products, services and systems are safe, reliable and consistently perform the way they were intended to". They can be created, approved and published by international, regional or national standards organisations as well as industry and professional associations and societies.

Australian standards

The national standards body for Australia is Standards Australia. It prepares and publishes Australian standards or adopts relevant international standards.

The Library provides access to the complete collection of current and draft Australian standards from Engineering Workbench.

International, European and British standards

There are a number of international and regional standards bodies that prepare, approve and publish standards, including:

  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - creates and approves International Standards that are used or adopted by national and regional standards organisations
  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) - prepares and publishes International standards for all electrical and electronic and related technologies
  • European Standards Organisations (ESOs) - prepare European standards (EN) for use by the European Union region
  • British Standards Institution (BSI) - prepares British standards (BS) and co-develops a number of international standards.

The Library provides access to British and selected International standards from:

Industry standards

Industry standards are created and published by industry bodies and professional associations. Many of these standards are available from relevant industry or association websites, however they are not always freely available. The Library provides access to a selection of: