Newspapers and news media

Find the right databases to research Australian and international news.

Please note

Library Search is not recommended for finding news and current affairs as the latest articles aren't available and it primarily contains US newspapers.

Australian news

Online newspapers

Australian Public Affairs Fulltext (APAFT) is a good source of opinion pieces, editorials and essays related to current issues in Australian political, economic, cultural and social affairs. As many of these articles are written by academics and policy experts in their area they are typically of higher quality than editorials and opinion pieces published in general newspapers.

Print newspapers

Select Australian newspapers are available at each of the branch libraries. The print edition of newspapers are kept between one week and three months. Weekend editions are not delivered to the Library until Monday.

  Gardens Point
(V Block Level 4)
Kelvin Grove
(R Block Level 2)
Law Library
(C Block Level 5)
Courier Mail   Yes  
Sunday Mail   Yes  
The Australian     Yes
The Australian Financial Review     Yes
The Sydney Morning Herald   Yes  
Koori Mail (fortnightly) Yes Yes  

Newspaper archives

Use these databases to find older news articles with historical significance:

  • Trove: Digitised newspapers and more
    Full-page scans of thousands of Australian newspapers going back to the 1800s. Most newspapers available in fulltext are older, our-of-copyright editions. However some newer content up to the mid 2000's is available.

TV news and current affairs

Sample programmes from TVNews:

International news

  • Quick search via ProQuest news databases - do a broad search of international and Australian news sources including newspapers and news wires.
  • Precision search using:
    • Factiva - searches thousands of local and international newspapers, trade journals and magazines. Detailed searching by company, industry, or region is possible. For example, to find Canadian articles from the last six months about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:
      1. search for Justin Trudeau
      2. change the "Date" drop-down to In the last 6 months
      3. in "Region" browse to North America and select Canada
    • Gale OneFile: News - for power searching by Document type (e.g. Editorial or Obituary) or Publication title (e.g. The Financial Times or Britain Daily).
  • Browse:
    • Times Higher Education for global higher education news and coverage, and to find world university rankings, news, opinions, features and book reviews
    • Wall Street Journal for international news with an emphasis on business and the economy