Gardens Point collections

To find where an item is located, first check the collection details in the Library Search record:
Extract from Library Search record: "Location Gardens Point Library - Available, General Collection 658 1231 /4A"

Once you know which collection the item is in, lookup the table below for location details. You will also need to know the item's call number to find exactly where the item is located on the shelf. See find an item on the shelf for how to understand call numbers.

Collection Prefix Description Location Length of loan
General Collection  

Contains books, videos, discs and kits.

Items in this collection with call numbers beginning with A or NZ are Australian or New Zealand literature, and are shelved between 829.9 and 830 on Level 6

  • 000-599 - V Block, Level 5
  • 600-999 - V Block, Level 6

Standard loan

Course Reserve  

Contains items in high demand such as prescribed texts. It may include lecturers' personal copies of items.

Lecturers' copies are arranged by unit code.

External students may request copies of extracts from items in this collection - simply search for the item in Library Search and select the Request scan of chapter option.

V Block, Level 4

For 2 hours

Periodical Collection  

Contains journals, magazines and newspapers.

The latest issues (varies from a week to 3 months) of print newspapers are held on Level 4, V Block, Gardens Point campus.

QUT students and staff can request articles from periodicals held by QUT.

  • Current and previous year - V Block, Level 4
  • All other years and items in microform - Closed collection, articles can be requested.

Not for loan

Games Collection  

The Games Collection is a collection of computer games. QUT students and staff at QUT are welcome to use and borrow from the collection.

V Block, Level 4 (opposite V413)

Standard loan

Map Collection


Contains selected maps including ortho-photo, topographic and topographic image maps. Collection emphasis is on Queensland.

The collection is housed on hanging files to facilitate access.

V Block, Level 5. In the far left corner of the floor as you exit the lifts.

Standard loan

Stack Collection Stack

Contains copies of theses submitted as a requirement of QUT PhD courses.

Ask staff on V Block, Level 3

For loan within the library only

Library Store  

Contains less frequently used materials.

Most items in the Library Store can be requested by placing a hold. Some items (e.g. theses and dissertations) cannot be requested this way - ask us about accessing these items.

Alumni and community members can request items held in store. Please ask us to help you request these.


Standard loan


Includes HiQ Equipment.

Ask HiQ staff at V Block, Level 3 (check HiQ hours)

1 day loan