Find an item on the shelf

To find an item on the shelf you need to know the location and call number.

This information is available in the item's Library Search record:
Extract from Library Search record: "Location Kelvin Grove Library - Available, Curriculum Collection J 598.0994 13 /8"

Gardens Point collections
Kelvin Grove collections
Law Library collections

In the example above the item location is "Curriculum Collection" in the Kelvin Grove Library and the call number is "J 598.0994 13 /8". These will will show on the spine of the item as:

13 /8

Example Part Explanation
J Prefix

Checking the list of item locations shows that the prefix for "Kelvin Grove Curriculum" is J.


Subject number


In this case, it is the subject number for Aves (Birds) in Australia.

Subject numbers are decimal, so 598.0994 will be shelved between 598.0993 and 598.09941


Running number


Assigned to each item at the same subject number.

This book is the thirteenth title at the subject number 598.0994

In the Law Library, this running number is replaced with 4 letters, often from the author's name (e.g. 345.56 ANDR)


Edition statement

If an item is not a first edition, an edition statement is added.

In this case the book is the eighth edition.

What do I do if the item isn't on the shelf?

  • Check the reshelving trolleys and tables near the stacks and the photocopiers.
  • Look around the study tables and carrels where another user may have left it.
  • Double check Library Search - did you jot the call number down correctly? Is it on loan? On Course Reserve or on Display?
  • If you have looked for it several times on different days, ask us for help locating it.