Recording live performances

When you make a video or sound recording of a performance of a work, you are reproducing the work. This particular form of reproduction is called a ‘mechanical reproduction’ of the work and requires permission from the copyright owner.   If you intend to record student compositions, you need to obtain permission from the student composers or writers.

Even if you have a licence for a live public performance of the work, the performance licence does not give you the right to make a recording.

Australian law also gives protection to performers whose performances are captured in film or sound recording. If you are recording a performance, it is necessary to obtain permission from the performers, whether students, staff, or guest artists. The law in this area is very complex so consult the University Copyright Officer before proceeding.

If you are interested in recording lectures, consult Lecture recording.

Recording live music performances for educational purposes

QUT has an agreement with the music copyright collecting societies that covers, amongst other things, the recording of music performances. This agreement is referred to as the Tertiary Music Licence. It permits the University to make audio and video recordings of student and staff performances of copyright musical works for educational purposes.  There are limits on what may be recorded, and how the recordings may be used and distributed.  Contact the University Copyright Officer for more information.

Recording live music performances for other purposes

If you want to make recordings for commercial or promotional purposes or for broadcast, you will have to obtain specific licences from the copyright owners. Most music publishers and composers license mechanical reproduction of their works through the Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners’ Society (AMCOS).  AMCOS shares administration with APRA.  For information on obtaining a reproduction licence, go to their website and find the section on licensing:

Recording live drama performances

You will need to obtain the permission of the copyright owner of the play directly.

Performers' rights

Australian law also gives protection to performers whose performances are captured in film, video or sound recording. If you are recording a performance, it is necessary to obtain permission from the performers, whether students, staff, or guest artists. The law in this area is very complex so consult the University Copyright Officer before proceeding.