How long does copyright last in Australia?
In Australia, copyright in published works generally lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years.
For unpublished works copyright duration is set by whether the work was made public in the creator's lifetime (see the table in the PDF below for more information).
The duration of copyright in subject matter other than works (films and sound recordings for example) is more variable, but generally is 70 years from the end of the year of first publication. There are variations from these general rules. Before 1 January 2005, the term of copyright in Australia was life of the author plus 50 years for published works, and 50 years after publication for audiovisual items. The extended term of 70 years applies only to material that was still in copyright on 1 January 2005. If the copyright had expired by that date, it stays expired.
Crown Copyright refers to material made or first published by state, territory or commonwealth government. The term of copyright for these works is generally 50 years after date made.