Support students
QUT Library offers a range of resources and services that support students and their study:
- Help with getting started in a study area: advice on the best search tools, websites and resources to find specialised information and formats.
- QUT Readings: online access to readings for units, including past exam papers.
- QUT cite|write: an introductory guide to citing, referencing and academic writing at QUT. See About QUT cite|write for more information on the service and how it's governed.
- Study Smart: an online tutorial to help students develop study skills and achieve assignment success at university. See About Study Smart for an overview of the service.
- Workshops: we offer workshops each semester to help students develop skills in researching and referencing assignments, including:
- Library 101
- Search Smart! Finding information for assignments
- Cite Right! Referencing essentials
- Hands-on APA Referencing
- Help: Students can ask us for help - chat with us online or make an appointment to speak to a library specialist in HiQ.
- HDR students: we offer higher degree students individual, discipline targeted research support consultations with liaison librarians.
QUT students
You can find information about what we offer you in:
- HiQ: Study - for all QUT students
- Research students community on HiQ - for QUT research students