Collection Development Manual

The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Library Collection Development Manual (CDM) provides guidelines for Library information resource management.


The purpose of the Collection Development Manual (CDM) is to:

  • outline the current principles and practices informing the selection, maintenance, access to, and deselection of information resources across all branch libraries
  • facilitate the development of QUT Library's collections in line with the University's strategic priorities
  • promote transparency and accountability by informing the wider QUT community about the management of the Library's information resources
  • facilitate co-operative collections management with other libraries and organisations
  • guide the curation of a collection that supports QUT's clients.


The CDM informs Library staff involved in information resource management.


Award students: Students enrolled in QUT courses that lead to a degree, certificate or diploma. Non-award courses are those such as continuing professional education (CPE) and are often not covered by online resource licences. For such courses the use of open access resources is recommended.

Branch Libraries: QUT's three physical libraries: Gardens Point, Kelvin Grove, and Law.

Deselection: The regular removal of material from a physical or electronic collection to maintain the collection as active, relevant, and up to date.

Firm order: The activity of outright purchase (not a subscription) of physical or electronic resources, such as books, ebooks, and realia.

Library Information Access Team: The Library team responsible for facilitating access to, and maximising the findability of, the Library's information resources.

Information Resources Committee (IRC): The Library committee for planning and decision making on all selection, procurement, and management activities of the Library collections.

Liaison Librarians: Liaise between Faculties, Schools and Research Centres to ensure that the Library's physical and electronic collection meets the learning, teaching and research needs of the University.

Library Resource Allocation (LRA): The funds allocated to the Library by the University to support the subscription or outright purchase of information resources.

Library Resource Services (LRS): Team responsible for the ordering, licencing, accessioning and digitisation of library information resources.

Manager, Library Resource Services (MLRS): Plans, leads, and manages the provision of, and access to, information resources to support the University's teaching, research, and service goals.

Manager, Library Service (MLS): Each campus has an MLS responsible for their campus Library, staff, services and resources.

Open Educational Resources (OERs): Educational materials which are licensed in ways that permit individuals and institutions to reuse, adapt and modify the materials.

QUT Bookshop Textbook Adoption Scheme: QUT Bookshop stocks prescribed textbooks, and some recommended books, for units taught at QUT. The Bookshop contacts teaching staff, requesting textbook titles be forwarded to the Bookshop the semester prior to unit delivery.

Resources: All physical and electronic published information resources.

University Librarian (UL): Responsible for the strategic leadership and management of QUT Library in support of the University's research, learning, and teaching strategic priorities.


Role of the Library

The Library is committed to providing high quality, independent, client-focused collections which support the learning, teaching, and research needs of the University.

Selection and Acquisition

General Principles

  1. Selected resources meet the learning, teaching, and research needs of the University.
  2. The Library purchases online resources where cost and licence conditions permit.
  3. Remote hosting (cloud) options for online resources are preferred over local hosting at QUT due to the benefits of efficiency and timely access to information.
  4. The Library avoids duplication of resources except in the case of high-use materials (textbooks). Consideration may be given where a client has a demonstrated need for a particular format, the provision of which would cause duplication.
  5. To maximise return on investment and to ensure that collections can be shared by all, School-based libraries are not supported.
  6. Where the collection does not meet the needs of clients, the Library offers document delivery services.
  7. The Library regularly evaluates the collection, carrying out stocktake and deselection programs to ensure that its information resources continue to meet the University's current learning, teaching, and research requirements.
  8. Resources selected are in English, except for resources which support the teaching and learning of languages other than English.
  9. Liaison Librarians, in consultation with academics, propose new print or electronic journal and database subscriptions and books for consideration by the Manager, Library Service and the Information Resources Committee.
  10. Current subscriptions are evaluated annually and may be cancelled if usage is low and return on investment is poor or if teaching, learning and research foci have changed.
  11. Given the finite space for physical collections, significant but lesser-used resources are moved to the QUT Library Store. These resources are available on demand.
  12. The QUT Digital Collections and the Law Library contain works of significant cultural and historical value, and therefore may not be subject to these General Principles.
  13. The Library is committed to ensuring that the personal information it holds is only used for authorised purposes and is protected according to recognised standards of information security and privacy.
  14. The Library is committed when collecting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion materials to prioritise works by authors from under-represented, minority, or marginalised groups. It recognises that items about the groups by non-group members may objectify the content.
  15. Works authored by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are retained if rare or local in nature, or of historic or social importance.

Library Resource Allocation

The Library Resource Allocation (LRA) funding model facilitates a standard level of base funding which enables adjustment in response to exchange rates, resource costs, and resource requirements. The LRA model allows the Library to maintain purchasing power and provide adequate information resources to meet the needs of the University community, in a financially sustainable manner.

Much of the Library's acquisitions are published overseas, resulting in significant exposure to fluctuations in the currency market, particularly the US Dollar, the Euro, and the British Pound.

The LRA is allocated annually by the University to the Library and is managed by Library Resource Services on behalf of the University Librarian. The budget period operates from January to December.

Core allocations are made for:

  • online and print subscriptions
  • one-off online and print purchases (e.g., books, multimedia, backsets)
  • document delivery.

Online Access

The Library maximises access to online resources by:

  • negotiating licence and access conditions that permit all staff and award students access to all resources in a timely manner. Restricted online access may be considered where physical copies are not available
  • ensuring the discoverability of its online resources via its web-scale discovery tool (Library Search) and by updating the links as required
  • preferencing OpenAthens federated access where possible (allowing resources to be directly accessed from publisher platforms via institutional sign-in options).

Note, students in non-award courses (e.g. continuing professional education (CPE), professional and executive/ microcredential courses) have very limited access to online resources due to licensing restrictions. Open access resources are the most appropriate for such courses.

Selection Process

Collection Package Subscriptions/ Purchases

Preference is given to large academic publishing packages, such as ScienceDirect, due to their value for money and multidisciplinary content.

Client Acquisition Models

Where financially viable, QUT Library supports client-driven acquisition of ebooks by providing access to packages where the acquisition of titles is triggered through their use.

Individual Title Purchases

Individual print or electronic titles are purchased through firm order.

By Request

In collaboration with academic staff, Liaison Librarians select material that supplements client-driven acquisition. Academic staff (and students) may contact their Liaison Librarian, or place requests via the Library's Feedback and Suggestions form, or email

QUT staff members requesting resources of which they are the creator and sole supplier, should seek their supervisor's accord as to the appropriateness of its use, and contact their Liaison Librarian to discuss any potential conflict of interest as per the MOPP Disclosure of interests - QUT Digital Workplace.


Donations should meet the learning, teaching, and research needs of the University. If any of the following apply, the donation will not be accepted:

  • the content is out of date (and the work has no historical value)
  • later editions of the work are held
  • the item is in poor condition
  • for books, the title is already held in the collection in print or ebook format (additional copies may be accepted if the title is in high demand or is required at another branch)
  • for journal backsets, the issues are already held and/ or the Library does not have a current subscription
  • shelf space is insufficient to accommodate the donated material
  • the donor wishes to apply conditions (e.g. around use, housing, display or retention). Regarding retention, donated material will be subject to deselection processes in due course.

Scope of the Collections


If a title is available in both print and online format, the Library aims to purchase the online version. The Library gives preference to the following types of ebooks:

  • web-based
  • covered by a site licence
  • purchased (not subscribed).

Print is purchased for locations where access to the Internet is problematic, or where the requesting academic or HDR student prefers print for quality, usability, or content reasons, or when the online version is unaffordable. Academics and HDR students should contact their Liaison Librarian to make such requests.

Non-Book Physical Resources

The General Principles of selection and acquisition also apply to non-book physical resources.

These factors should be considered:

  • the licence agreement (if present) should permit access in accordance with CDM guidelines
  • in most cases, hardware to support the medium should be available within the Library or readily accessible to clients
  • in most cases, hardware to support the medium should be commercially available and able to be purchased at a reasonable cost
  • formats appropriate for the local environment should be preferred
  • in general, PC software is preferred to Apple Macintosh software, as QUT is a majority PC based institution
  • judgement is used when selecting material for which the technology has an uncertain lifespan, taking into consideration cost and potential use.


The Library gives preference to online access to journals over print format. Where possible, online journals are obtained under a site licence to allow access regardless of the client's location. Print titles are not duplicated across campuses. Approval of new journals is determined by whether those resources support the learning, teaching, and research needs of the University, and is subject to the availability of funds. Backsets of print or electronic journal issues are only purchased or subscribed if a current subscription is in place.

Open Access Journals

The Library makes Open Access journals discoverable through Library Search which support the learning, teaching and research of the University.

Open Educational Resources (OERs)

The Library supports the adoption, adaptation, and creation of Open Educational Resources. Published OERs are discoverable through Library Search.


The Library licences access to selected databases of aggregated online resources such as full-text journals, indexing and abstracting services, full text books, images, and company and industry information. Usage is monitored on a regular basis. When usage shows a downward trend, Liaison Librarians, in conjunction with academics, review such resources for potential cancellation or additional promotion.


The Library collects and provides access to a wide range of physical and electronic multimedia for learning, teaching, and research purposes, where finances and licensing permit.

Broadcast Content

The Library gives preference to the use of commercial service providers such as EduTV, TV News, and ClickView for access to video-format broadcast or free to air content.

Online Resources - Licensed

The Library negotiates licensing agreements with data owners or providers. All agreements must be approved by the Manager, Library Resource Services, and signed on behalf of the University in accordance with university financial expenditure delegations. Site licences are strongly preferred.

Reading Lists

The Library supports student outcomes by providing and supporting the use of readings software (Talis), either by direct access to the readings system or through embedding readings lists into the University's Learning Management System (Canvas).

Unit coordinators create Reading Lists, guided by their Liaison Librarian as required.

Required and recommended resources are made available via QUT Readings.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Unit Coordinators may make journal articles and book chapters available to their students by adding these to QUT Readings. The following guidelines apply:

  • preference is given to linking to existing licensed information resources rather than making a digital copy and storing locally
  • when a licensed version or Open Access online version of the resource is not available, the QUT Readings team, where possible, provides a digitised version of the resource (which may be sourced via Document Delivery).
  • all copying must comply with the educational copying provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and the QUT MOPP. The limits applied per unit are:
    • books: 1 chapter OR 10% (whichever is greater)
    • hardcopy journals and newspapers: 1 article per issue OR 2 or more where on the same subject matter.

Past Examination Papers

The Library makes past exam papers available online (via QUT Readings) upon selective release by the Examinations Officer. Note that there have been no centrally released examination papers since Semester 2, 2019.

Course Reserve

High-demand physical resources not suitable for addition to QUT Readings are housed in the Course Reserve Collection at each branch library, at the request of Unit Coordinators or the discretion of Liaison Librarians. These resources are made available for short-term use to maximise student access. The purchase and processing of these resources is given the highest priority.


Library Resource Services purchases prescribed and recommended textbooks, as identified through the QUT Bookshop Textbook Adoption Scheme, which is in turn informed by Faculties.

The Library will not provide access to subscription textbooks. Only textbooks which can be purchased will be provided.

QUT Library does not provide set texts in quantities to meet demand, as students are expected to purchase their prescribed textbooks. Students with financial difficulties should be referred to QUT Equity.

The Library purchases all prescribed print texts in the ratio of 1 item to 50 students (1:50) to a maximum of ten (10) copies per title edition across the QUT Library. Prescribed print texts placed in Course Reserve are included in these ratios (extra copies are not purchased for Course Reserve).

Recommended print texts are purchased in the ratio of 1 item to 100 students (1:100) up to an initial ceiling of three (3) copies per title edition across the QUT Library. Recommended print texts placed in Course Reserve are included in these ratios (extra copies are not purchased for Course Reserve).

The Library will purchase etextbooks with concurrent access based on the above print textbook ratios, if permitted by the respective publishers and purchasing options:

  • <5 print copies = 1 (maximum of 2 concurrent-access) licence/s
  • 5-7 print copies = 2 (maximum of 3) concurrent-access licence/s
  • 8-10 print copies = maximum of 6 concurrent-access licence/s.

The Library may turn off the ability to download an eBook depending on its platform, to maximise access.

Processing of textbook and recommended book orders are prioritised from the point of request to point of access.

QUT Authors

Works by QUT authors are collected if they meet the learning, teaching, and research needs of the University.

QUT ePrints

QUT ePrints is a digital repository of research outputs created by QUT staff and HDR students. The purpose of the repository is to enhance the visibility, global reach, and impact of QUT research outputs.

It includes HDR theses (PhD, MPhil, Professional Doctorate and Masters by Research), peer reviewed journal articles, conference contributions, scholarly books, and book chapters. It also includes non-traditional research outputs including reports and creative works for which there is an online or downloadable artifact or documentation.

It excludes Honours theses, Masters by Coursework dissertations and project reports, confidential material and unpublished outputs for which an open access full-text or equivalent cannot be made available for download.

Law Library Collection

The Law Library collection is available to all QUT students and staff. The collection supports the learning, teaching, and research needs of staff and students from the School of Law. Print resources are retained in cases where their historical significance requires their retention. For further information, please consult the Law Library team.

QUT Digital Collections

QUT Digital Collections curate digitised and born-digital resources (i.e. digital resources with no physical equivalent) which were developed by, or donated to, QUT. The resources are added to its collections where they support QUT's learning, teaching, research needs or represent the cultural heritage of the community. Most items in the collections are open access, searchable via Google, and indexed via Trove.


Where finances and licensing permit, access may be provided to datasets such as numerical, statistical, and geospatial resources, as well as standards and patents.

Research Datasets

QUT Library provides an external research dataset service, which facilitates access to published datasets for researchers and HDR students for the purpose of QUT research. The Library negotiates open access if possible or may use LRA funds to purchase commercially available research datasets. Access to datasets is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

QUT's Research Data Finder is a registry of QUT published research datasets, with some records including access to the datasets themselves. Designed to promote the visibility of research data, Research Data Finder provides descriptions about shareable, reusable datasets available via open or mediated access. Datasets are either stored within the repository itself or hosted externally and linked to from the repository.


In accordance with its e-preferred collection management guidance, the Library acquires online resources. The advantages of online formats, include:

  • 24/7 access
  • remote access
  • simultaneous multi-user access
  • download to portable devices
  • citation export management
  • enhanced searchability
  • multimedia
  • online note keeping
  • accessibility enhancements for screen-impaired clients
  • fast acquisition and availability response times
  • no wear and tear
  • minimised incidence of content loss
  • space saving.

Selected resources are purchased in physical format where necessary.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

The Library may consider the purchase of APIs for the purposes of supporting research activities if the API is:

  • accessible to all members of the University, and
  • fully supported by the vendor.

Where these conditions are not met, where the API is required for specialised research and/ or its cost cannot reasonably be met by the LRA, research funds must be used.


QUT Library is committed to providing access to its collections. When selecting and implementing online information resources, the Library considers the needs of clients with disabilities, giving preference to more accessible formats/ platforms.

Library Store

The QUT Library Store is where selected, valued low use resources are stored. Resources are available on demand.


Collection Evaluation

QUT Library carries out collection evaluation to ensure that information resources are being utilised effectively and are meeting the changing information needs of clients. Evaluation may occur in response to:

  • course accreditation requirements (to meet the requirements of professional organisations such as the Australian Psychological Society)
  • developing bids for additional funding
  • developing a deselection plan
  • Curriculum Development Proposals.

Key methodologies for evaluating book collections include:

  • reports are generated to describe usage patterns
  • Unit outlines are reviewed to identify key curriculum areas
  • benchmarking is conducted against published output and/ or other collections.

Legacy Format Replacement

Material requiring technology that has become obsolete is deselected periodically from the collection; this may include retiring the associated hardware. Liaison Librarians determine whether it is necessary to purchase replacement copies of titles in a preferred format, to be compatible with updated hardware. Format shifting of material may be possible, using the provisions in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), in consultation with the University Copyright Officer.

QUT Authors

Works by QUT authors are retained while they meet the learning, teaching, and research needs of the University or are required for research assessment purposes. Where they no longer meet those needs, the resources may be deselected.

Works by QUT authors are tagged at point of order, for identification.

Works pertaining to Australia or Queensland

Works focusing on Australia or Queensland, such as legal resources, may be retained.

QUT Published Works

Works published by QUT and its prior institutions are retained.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Materials

When deselecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources, care will be taken to ensure that items are available in other libraries. Resources not held in other libraries will be retained or may be donated to the State Library of Queensland or the National Library.


The Library's physical stocktake maintains the quality and accessibility of collections for Library clients. The stocktake:

  • ensures that the Library discovery platform (Library Search) contains an accurate record of the holdings of resources
  • alerts the Library to materials missing from the collection, thus initiating a process for replacement of important and/ or relevant items
  • alerts Library clients to items that may be missing from the collection
  • removes missing items from the Library discovery platform.


Items that have been reported as missing are searched for once within a 7-day period to confirm their status as missing. The Library's Collection Access staff re-order items that satisfy the following criteria:

  • acquired within the current or previous year
  • have a last-loaned date within the current or previous year.

Collection Access staff re-order ebook versions of these items in the first instance unless the Library already has access to an ebook version. If an ebook is not available, a hard copy is ordered, in accordance with the General Principles of Selection and Acquisition.

All other missing items are referred to the Liaison Librarians, who determine whether to re-order.


Implementation and Review

The implementation and review of the CDM in line with QUT's strategic direction is overseen by the Manager, Library Resource Services with the Library's IRC. The University Librarian is the final arbiter of debate.

Library Staff

Critical to achieving the objectives of the CDM is the active involvement of all Library staff who undertake collection management and maintenance. Library staff perform their duties consistently within the policies outlined. The IRC may refer policy matters, including strategic exceptions, to the University Librarian.


An annual selection/ deselection process informs the collection development activities of QUT Library. Relevant guidelines are available to Library staff on the QUT Library SharePoint site.

Document Delivery

The Document Delivery service is designed to supplement the Library's own collections, particularly to support the research activity of the University.

Out of Print Books

It may be permissible under an exception in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) to copy a whole book that is out of print for inclusion in the Library collection. Consult the University Copyright Officer.

Intellectual Freedom and Censorship Policy

The Library purchases materials representing a wide variety of viewpoints. On occasion, some materials may be considered controversial. The acquisition of, or access to, such material does not imply the Library's approval or endorsement of the content.

The Library does not add nor withdraw resources at the request of individuals or groups, unless the request meets the learning, teaching, or research foci of the university.

No material is censored or removed on the grounds of disapproval of the author's political, social, moral, or other opinions.

Library collection management policies are guided by the ALIA Statement on Free Access to Information, and recommendations by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).

CDM Review

The CDM is updated as necessary and reviewed on a rolling three-year cycle by the Manager, Library Resource Services in conjunction with the IRC, to ensure that it continues to reflect (1) best practice in the management of library collections, and (2) the needs of the University.

Document Control

Version 2.0
Date of Issue: 13 January 2025
Last updated:
Custodian: University Librarian