Library facts and figures
QUT Library Snapshot 2022 - click for a printable version (PDF, 611KB)
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Image transcript - QUT Library Snapshot 2022
Learning and teaching
- 10,605 individual assistances
- 5,755 chat sessions - 2,886 face to face
- 1,032 emails
- 658 online video conferencing Zoom sessions
- 274 phone calls
- 1,653 students attended 70 researching and referencing sessions (face to face and online)
- Over 20,000 students in over 100 individual units received faculty-specific sessions and online learning resources
- 124,501 views of 183 online help guides for students
Quote: Oh wow. I feel like I have been walking through a dark forest and someone just gave me a torch.
Research support
- 2,255,677 downloads of QUT research works via QUT ePrints, from 60 countries
- 2,673 attendees at 230 research training sessions
- 426 HDR students completed the IFN001: Advanced Information Research Skills unit
- 23 Scholarly Communication Things Pressbook launched - a resource for researchers - 1,961 visitors
Quote: Our sincere thanks to you … for helping make the application as competitive as possible through your generous efforts on the data and impact front.
On campus
- 1,997,541 campus library visits - that's an average of about 5473 visits each day
- 110,586 visits during the 24/7 trial opening hours
- 245,656 physical resources
Total information resources (physical and online)
- 2,015,269 information resources
Quote: I have spent many long nights at the library and the opening hours are perfect for a uni student working a job during the day.
Digital campus/online
- 1,347,927 eBooks
- 339,204 online videos
- 82,201 ejournals
- 2,174,625 views of the Library website pages
- 3,202,790 views of QUT cite|write
- 142,347 views of Study Smart
- More than 575,000 views of online unit readings
- The 15 QUT Digital Collections were accessed 269,860 times from people in 205 countries
Quote: The substantial online access has been paramount to achieving success in my studies.