QUT Library - Snapshot 2018
The following is a statistical snapshot of QUT Library in 2018.
Library spaces
- Over 2,600,000 visits to the QUT Library
- 2,346 seats
Information resource collections and usage
- 913,069 ebook titles and 223,313 print book titles
- 65,340 ejournals and 482 print journals
- 309,929 online videos
- 398 online databases
- 181,278 physical loans; 89% are self serve
Learning and study support
- 10,658 Library Helpdesk enquiries
- 2,830 chat and email enquiries
- 441 tours and workshops for QUT students
- 18,654 total tour and workshop attendance
- 815,110 QUT cite|write visits
- 166 online subject and 61 online unit guides
Research support
- 52,730 fulltext works in QUT ePrints
- 2,703,288 QUT ePrints fulltext downloads
- 2,214 research consultations
- 123 research support sessions
- 1,740 total research support session attendance
- 113 IFN001: Advanced Information Research Skills (AIRS) sessions; 899 total attendance; 461 AIRS completions
- 3,033 data management plans