Library facts and figures
QUT Library Snapshot 2023 - click for a printable version (PDF, 585KB)
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Image transcript - QUT Library Snapshot 2023
Learning and teaching
- 8,756 individual consultations via chat, face to face, phone, videoconferencing, email
- 1042 students attended 72 researching and referencing sessions and library tours (face to face and online)
- 113,553 views of 166 online help guides for students
Faculty-specific sessions and online learning resources available for students from each faculty
Quote: "I am new and still learning how to find the articles that I need for my assessments. I really appreciate this library help chat. Thank you."
Research support
- 2,433,863 downloads of QUT research works via QUT ePrints, from 60 countries
- 2,192 attendees at 180 research training sessions
- 479 Higher Degree Research (HDR) students completed the IFN001: Advanced Information Research Skills unit
Quote: "All the aspects of the unit were well organized and useful to our research career. As beginners in the PhD journey, this unit helped a lot."
On campus
- 2,403,200 campus library visits, an average of 6,584 visits per day
- 196,050 after hours visits
- 226,550 physical resources
Total information resources (physical and online)
- 2,245,228 information resources
Quote: "Best environment to do work and it is 24/7."
Digital campus/online
- 1,593,656 eBooks
- 336,101 online videos
- 88,602 ejournals
- 1,867,257 views of the library website pages
- 3,539,940 logins to online library resources
- More than 406,000 of online unit readings
- The 15 QUT Digital Collections were accessed 344,076 times from people in 198 countries
Quote: "This is amazing! Both documents …are exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for your advanced research and detective skills."
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