Liaison Librarians

Your Liaison Librarian can connect you with the information and resources you need. If you're a staff member or a higher degree research student, we are here to help.

Find your Liaison Librarian


Research Centres

Contact the Business and Law Library Liaison Team.


Research Centres

Contact the CIESJ Library Liaison Team.


Research Centres

Contact the Engineering Library Liaison Team.


Research Centres

Contact the Health Library Liaison Team.


Research Centres

Contact the Science Library Liaison Team.

What we can help you with

We manage the library collection, and can provide advice and training in support of:

  • Your research: we assist with database searching and literature reviews, and help with scholarly publishing, Pure/ePrints, and open access. We help you to use referencing software like EndNote, and to get an indication of the impact of your published research outputs using publication metrics and other evidence. We are also skilled in information and research data management and can help you with IFN006 Advanced Information Research Skills (AIRS).
  • Your teaching: we can help you select information resources for coursework, navigate the QUT Readings system and ensure copyright compliance. We also provide information literacy workshops and online resources to help your students succeed.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with your librarian.